Unleash the Energetic Power Within Your Organization
A whole-system approach to cultural transformation
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A whole-system approach to cultural transformation involves upleveling individual, team, and whole business collective consciousness.

Building a conscious organization requires its leaders and talent to be evolving in self and team awareness together, which defaults into a thriving business AND a fulfilling environment, meeting them at their personal stages of human development while rising together in professional development – a holistic and integrative manner.

It fulfils the need of a fast-paced business in designing a high performing culture with a well-being spectrum that fulfils needs of self-leadership, people-leadership, and business-leadership. This culture continuously adapts to meet dynamic deficiency needs, transformation needs, and growth needs.

We believe that everything, without exception is consciousness. The level of conscious awareness at which your top leadership team resides, shapes the current and future culture of the business.

Values are the front face of beliefs and needs (both conscious and subconscious) that are either limiting or expanding company growth. The shift you will observe will be from a focus on firefighting or transactional levels of awareness (consciousness) to a focus on full spectrum transformational and inspiring leader consciousness.

Your leadership level of consciousness is fully reflected in how the organization operates.

The same is true of individuals. When people get regular feedback on how they are coming across to others and are coached to unlock their subconscious blocks to their potential and improve their performance, they tend to modify their beliefs and meet their own needs, which impacts how they show up in alignment with their values.

Eventually individuals and teams evolve collectively towards a full spectrum organizational consciousness.

Full spectrum individuals and organizations are not only the most successful, but they are also the most resilient.

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Building Cultural Capital
With Leadership Consciousness Integrated
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Business leaders who want to create profound and lasting cultural transformation must apply a paradigm shift in thinking of development as human evolution that is layered, integrative, expansive, and systemic in impact.

The most successful organizations on the planet have one thing in common –they have the capacity for collective action resourced from their strong sense of internal cohesion and trust.

Internal cohesion and trust begin at with each person, role modeled at the top. If there is no cohesion and trust in the leadership team, there will be no cohesion and trust in the organization.

The culture of an organization is always a reflection of leadership conscious awareness levels.

As we know we can not give others what we do not have from inside ourselves. We project our weaknesses and fears if we are not conscious of where we need to evolve as a human first and then a leader of one’s life and then a leader of a team.

Hence team cohesion has many threads of which inner wisdom development must be woven with team development and collective business culture development.

The methodology we apply is a multi-modal systemic technology at the level of the operating system of the individual, the team, and the whole organization.

Evolving Human Process With Jungian Psychology And Neuroscience
Your Leaders, Teams, and Organization Thriving
Understanding and navigating the individuation process with understanding of the neuroscience of recovery and change will empower people to cultivate greater self-awareness, authenticity, and resilience, ultimately enhancing their personal and professional growth within the organization.

Jungian Psychology underpins all depth models of leadership and coaching practices. This is a psychology that underpins human development. A process of growth that is inevitable in every human. Whether we are conscious of it or not is this process is in movement and guides humans to either fulfillment or stagnation that turns toxic.

Cultural transformation is never a singular event. It is an ongoing series of encounters between the needs generated by the subconscious fear-based beliefs of the decision-making authority or leadership, and the needs of group members. When senior leadership and their leaders start making decisions that focus on the collective interest of the group, rather than their personal self-interests, cultural transformation can proceed relatively easily and smoothly. This can be developed as far as each member is conscious not just of their competencies but also of their mind-body and their soul.

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01. Persona (Mask):
This is the outward face we show to the world, often shaped by societal expectations and workplace norms. In the corporate context, it's the professional facade we wear to fit into our roles and meet organizational standards.
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02. Shadow (Hidden Self):
The shadow contains aspects of ourselves that we repress or deny because they don't align with our desired image. In the workplace, this might include traits like ambition, creativity, or assertiveness that we suppress to avoid conflict or judgment.
4 Major Jungian Archetypes
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03. Self (Wholeness):
The ultimate goal of individuation is to integrate all these elements into a unified sense of self. In the corporate world, this means embracing and expressing our authentic selves, incorporating both our strengths and vulnerabilities. It enables us to lead and collaborate more effectively, contributing to a more inclusive and dynamic organizational culture.
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04. Anima/Animus (Inner Contradictory Gender):
This represents the unconscious feminine side (anima) in men and the unconscious masculine side (animus) in women. In a corporate setting, it could manifest as qualities traditionally associated with the opposite gender, such as empathy, intuition, or rationality, which may be undervalued or overlooked in the workplace culture.
The Ability to Develop Leaders Capable of Navigating Uncertainty and Complexity Holding the Highest Vision of Themselves and the World as Guiding Light, Is a Strategic Priority and a Competivie Advantage Entrepreneur Competencies Performance Behaviors & Talent Skills & Knowledge Neuroscience of Trauma Recovery Psychology of Success Trauma Imprints Resistance and Change Complexity Of
    Performance Behaviors & Talent Skills & Knowledge
    Psychology of Success Trauma Imprints Resistance and Change
    Thought Patterns Beliefs & Assumptions Attitudes / Stances Values & Needs
Fortify Team Vitality With Emotional Intelligence
Empower Your Team - Strengthening Bonds through EQ
Developing Emotional Intelligence through the SixSecond Model
Emotional intelligence is crucial at various stages in the development of leaders, teams, and organizational culture. It's particularly essential during times of change, conflict, or uncertainty. Here's when it's most needed:
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Emotional intelligence is paramount during leadership development initiatives, especially when leaders are transitioning into new roles or facing complex challenges. Leaders need emotional intelligence to navigate interpersonal relationships, inspire trust

 , and make decisions that consider the well-being of their teams and the organization as a whole. The Six Seconds emotional intelligence model serves as a transformative tool for leaders' growth by fostering self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills. Leaders who integrate this model into their development journey gain a deeper understanding of their own emotions and behaviors, allowing them to make more informed decisions and build stronger relationships with their team members. Through the model's emphasis on recognizing and regulating emotions, leaders learn to manage stress and navigate challenges with resilience and composure. By honing their emotional intelligence skills, leaders cultivate an environment of trust, collaboration, and innovation within their teams, ultimately driving organizational success.

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Emotional intelligence is vital in the formation and evolution of teams. It's needed during team-building activities, conflict resolution processes, and times of change within the team dynamics. Teams with high emotional intelligence can communicate effectively,

 collaborate efficiently, and support each other through challenges, fostering a culture of psychological safety and trust. Implementing the Six Seconds emotional intelligence model within teams cultivates a culture of psychological safety, mutual respect, and collaboration. Team members develop a heightened awareness of their emotions and the emotions of others, enabling them to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and build trusting relationships. By leveraging their emotional intelligence skills, team members enhance their ability to adapt to change, manage ambiguity, and work cohesively towards common goals. The model empowers teams to embrace diversity of thought and perspective, fostering creativity and innovation. As teams strengthen their emotional intelligence collectively, they become more resilient, adaptable, and high-performing, driving sustained growth and success for the organization.

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Business Culture

Emotional intelligence is fundamental to shaping a positive organizational culture. It's needed when defining core values, communicating organizational goals, and fostering an environment where employees feel valued and supported. Organizations with a strong emphasis

on emotional intelligence cultivate a culture where individuals thrive,  innovation flourishes, and collaboration thrives, leading to sustained growth and success. The Six Seconds emotional intelligence model serves as a catalyst for fostering a thriving organizational culture rooted in empathy, authenticity, and purpose. By embedding emotional intelligence principles into the fabric of the business, organizations create an environment where employees feel valued, understood, and empowered to bring their whole selves to work. This culture of emotional intelligence fuels employee engagement, retention, and satisfaction, leading to higher levels of productivity and performance. As leaders and teams embrace the model's practices, they become role models for fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous learning. Ultimately, the Six Seconds emotional intelligence model propels business culture growth by nurturing a workforce that is emotionally intelligent, resilient, and committed to achieving shared goals.

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Facilitate Culture Transformation With Values
Your Leaders, Teams, and Organization Thriving
Developing a Values-Based Culture through the Barrett Values Model
Developing culture through the Barret Values Modal, is integral to raising the consciousness of leaders, teams, and organizational culture as a whole . Here's how:
The BV Model serves as a powerful tool for leaders’ growth by providing a framework to understand and align personal and organizational values. Developing values helps leaders become more self-aware and intentional in their actions. By clarifying their personal values and aligning them with the organization’s values, leaders can make decisions that are in line with their principles and beliefs. This process fosters authenticity and integrity in leadership, inspiring trust and respect from others. Through self-reflection and assessment using the model, leaders gain clarity on their core values and how these align with the values of the organization.
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Making Collective Leadership a Competitive Advantage.
When Culture meets Strategy
Develop your Leaders over a lifetime with The Leadership Circle
The Leadership Circle Model is a powerful tool designed to evaluate leadership effectiveness and potential. It provides a comprehensive 360-degree view of a leader's behavior, competencies, and underlying assumptions. By combining feedback from self-assessment and evaluations from peers, managers, and direct reports, it offers insights into both strengths and areas for development, guiding leaders toward greater self-awareness and growth. In addition to providing insights into individual leadership capabilities, the Leadership Circle Assessment offers actionable recommendations and development strategies to support leaders in enhancing their effectiveness. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within teams and organizations by identifying systemic patterns and opportunities for collective growth, ultimately driving higher performance and organizational success.
On a leader level, the Leadership Circle Assessment serves as a catalyst for personal growth and cultural change. By offering leaders a comprehensive understanding of their leadership style, strengths, and blind spots, it empowers them to make intentional shifts in their behavior and mindset. Through targeted coaching and development interventions, leaders can align their actions with desired cultural values, inspiring others to follow suit. As leaders model the behaviors and attitudes that drive cultural change, they create ripple effects throughout the organization, fostering a culture of accountability, trust, and innovation.
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At the team level, the Leadership Circle Assessment promotes cohesion and collaboration in support of cultural transformation. By conducting assessments across team members and identifying common themes and areas for improvement, teams gain a shared understanding of their collective strengths and weaknesses. Through facilitated discussions and team-building activities, they develop strategies to leverage their strengths and address any cultural barriers or conflicts. By aligning individual development goals with broader cultural objectives, teams become more resilient, adaptable, and capable of driving positive change within their sphere of influence.
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Business Culture
On a business level, the Leadership Circle model serves as a strategic tool for driving organizational culture change. By aggregating data from multiple levels of leadership and across various departments, organizations gain insights into systemic cultural patterns and areas for improvement. Armed with this knowledge, they can design targeted interventions such as leadership development programs, coaching initiatives, and organizational restructuring efforts to cultivate a more adaptive, inclusive, and values-driven culture. By embedding cultural change initiatives into the fabric of the organization's processes, systems, and performance metrics, businesses can create lasting transformation that fuels growth, innovation, and sustainable success.
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Building Cultural Capital

With Leadership Consciousness Integrated

The most successful organizations on the planet have one thing in common – they are vision guided, purpose-driven, and soul-fulfilling. They have the capacity for collective action resourced from their strong sense of internal cohesion and trust,. Internal cohesion and trust begin at the top. If there is no cohesion and trust in the leadership team, there will be no cohesion and trust in the organization – the culture of an organization is always a reflection of leadership consciousness,

The personal aspect of building an internal cohesion has also to do with the individual’s sense of worth and trust of themselves and their worldview. As we know we can not give others what we do not have from inside ourselves. We project our weaknesses and fears if we are not conscious of where we need to evolve as a human first and then a leader of one’s life and then a leader of a team. Hence team cohesion has many threads of which personal development must be woven with team development and collective cultural wisdom.

The methodology we apply is social technology at the level of the operating system. This is applied at the individual operating system, team operating systems, and whole organization operating systems.

Business Leaders Who Want To Create Profound, Real, And Lasting Cultural Transformation Through An Integrative & Holistic Process
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Culture Development Dimensions
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Team Development Dimensions
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Leader Development Dimensions
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Elevate Leaders’ Legacy Mindset
With Leadership Coaching of Consciousness Levels

Our Jungian coaching is trauma specialized hence it embodies a neuro-psycho-somatic approach that fast tracks the development process of our evolution. Cultural transformation happens when people in the organization become deeply aware of their psyche and body needs as they both interact. It is important that motivations, needs, values, and beliefs are evolved with a trauma specialized lens that encourages healing and thriving to align in motivations with the strategic intentions of the organization. The most successful leaders are those who have learned how to master every level of consciousness through both a mind-body-soul approach. At the heart of cultural transformation is Leadership transformation and our approach merges the Jungian Coaching Process developed by CreativeMind® University with the Neuroscience of Trauma Recovery, and Emotional Intelligence Model of SixSeconds ®. I have all three and adapted them to connect and fit together holistically.

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Facilitate Culture Transformation With Values
Collectively Raise Conscious Awareness
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Cultural transformation is never a singular event. It is an ongoing series of encounters between the needs generated by the subconscious fear-based beliefs of the decision-making authority or leadership, and the needs of group members. When senior leadership and their leaders start making decisions that focus on the collective interest of the group, rather than their personal self-interests, cultural transformation can proceed relatively easily and smoothly. The acclaimed Cultural Transformation Tools® of the Barrett Values Center help measure progress collectively.

Facilitate Culture Transformation With Values
With Team Coaching of Consciousness Levels

The TVS assessment provides a snapshot of the group’s climate – an index of quality of the team. The climate is the context in which employees work each day and the data shows it strongly influences how they do their jobs. Measuring the climate focuses change and development efforts, tracks results, and improves management practice.

Team Vital Signs is a validated, web-enabled assessment that quickly captures essential indicators of your team’s health – and offers a clear path toward peak performance.

  • Motivation is the source of energy to overcome challenges, pursue a goal, or maintain commitment.
  • Change is the readiness to innovate and adapt to succeed in a continuously evolving situation.
  • Teamwork is collaborating to pursue a goal; it requires a sense of shared purpose and belonging.
  • Execution is the ability to achieve strategic results by implementing effective tactics.
  • Trust is a feeling of confidence, faith, and surety that engenders a willingness to risk and facilitates success in the other climate factors.

Measure vitality (the driver of employee engagement) – and the model offers a practical way for leaders to understand what creates this essential ingredient of performance.

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3 years – 3
phases To a Sustainable Cultural Transformation
We partner with you to co-create a customized blueprint that is evolutionary in nature for your business, leaders, teams, and talent progression.
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The Foundation of Your Organizational Culture Begins with the Right Leadership Legacy Coaching Method
SightCET goes beyond the conscious ego and into the unconscious mind, emotional body, spiritual aspects of a person for a deeper and lasting transformation. Developed by a Certified ICF PCC Executive Coach, Master Jungian Life Coach, and Certified Complex Trauma Recovery Coach, the MosaicBeing method and RENEWAL process combines Jungian Psychology, Neuroscience of trauma recovery, Leadership Values, and Cultural Consciousness.
Receive a customized, personalized design for your unique entrepreneurial leadership coaching journey.
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Leadership Development
Learn how to move forward with new ideas. It often requires thinking in unique or unusual ways, sometimes in collaboration with others, but also on your own.
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Cultural Transformation
Assessing organizational values and using that data to forge a targeted, measurable path towards optimal culture. Analytics are scalable, fully customizable to your specific needs, and available in over 60 languages.
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Neuroscience of Recovery
Apply the neuroscience of recovery in the mind and body to align your mindset and create lasting change in the organization.
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Jungian Psychology
Understand the psyche of yourself and others by going deeper into your own psych using shadow work, active imagination, dream interpretation, and archetypal symbols
Ignite Your Corporate Soul
With Team Coaching of Consciousness Levels
Ignite Your Corporate Soul
With Team Coaching of Consciousness Levels
Ongoing Support
We partner with our coaches for a lifetime of success. Our highly-experiential culture transformational journey is designed to help you customize the values you need your leaders to exhibit and is fortified with deep understanding of their core SELF, their career vision and success mindset.
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Specialty Workshops
Only for SightCET Alumni
These graduate-only workshops continue to support the advancement of individuation and business growth. Irene Riad and other Leadership, Business, and Corporate Guests offer a deeper dive into specialized areas of focus in Leadership, Teams and Business expansion.
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Renewal Retreats
Only for SightCET Alumni
These alumni-only retreats feature SightCET Founder, Irene Riad and other Guests in the wellness and creative space. They offer a deeper dive into specialized areas of focus, such as Mind-Body and Spirituality.
What Organizations Is It Ideal For
The SightCET coaching method is designed to coach individuals through what Jung called the Individuation Process, moving from the limited, conditioned ego-self to creating life through your true personality, blended with neuroscience of trauma recovery and activating your creative intelligence.
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Entrepreneurial Organizations Daring To Go Deeper
For those who desire to awaken their deepest purpose, connect to their spiritual core, and unleash their creative legacy into the world to achieve more time, financial, and inner freedom and abundance. Level up your work by through a coaching journey that works with your mind, body & soul, integrating your unconscious, commanding your fears and renewing your identity.
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Progressive Thinkers Craving Ongoing Advancement
Go on a journey of self-discovery to self-mastery through an immersive and multi-lens coaching journey. Leaders experience a personal transformation that impacts their identity, their life direction and their creativity, which inspires the people around them. Your growth becomes aligned with your calling and the highest and truest expression of themselves.
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Established Leaders & Champions in their Industry
For those ready to experience deeper growth in their business or profession to take it to a new strategic level. With the understanding of your own inner psycho and neurodynamic forces you are able to reposition yourself as a pioneer in your field and grow more confidence. Unlocking your potential and fulfilling your life purpose empowers your clients’ fullest self expression.
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Thank you for your interest in your customized 1:1 Executive Coaching Journey. If you are ready to join this life-changing executive transformation, click below to apply.
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Hello, my name is Irene Riad, the Founder of SightCET – The Self-Mastery Coaching Institute. I see you downloaded the brochure and I just wanted to say welcome to our community and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly at Ireneriad@sightcet.com.

We hope you find our coaching journeys interesting and want to find out more.

Take care
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